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本書附由專業外籍老師所錄製的朗讀MP3音檔,可以利用智慧型手機掃瞄內頁QR code,即可立即線上聆聽、觀看真人對話影片,也可以至LiveABC官網下載完整MP3音檔。另外本書也設計了專屬互動學習軟體,只要按照安裝步驟操作完成後,就可以開始使用數位學習,包含反覆朗讀、角色扮演練習、以及聽力訓練等內容,涵蓋全方位的生活英語。
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Section 1. 觀光旅遊
1. Air Travel English 實用航空英語
1. Confirming Flight Details 確認航班細節
2. Booking Another Flight 改訂航班
3. Getting Charged for Extra Baggage 被收取超額行李費用
4. Calling the Airline about a Missed Flight 通知錯過航班
2. Checking Into a Hotel 飯店入住英語
1. Checking In Too Early 太早辦理入住
2. No Reservation 沒有預約
3. A Check-In Problem 辦理入住問題
4. Losing a Reservation 訂房消失了
3. Hotel English 飯店英語
1. Changing the Date of a Booking 更改訂房日期
2. Requesting an Extra Bed 要求加床
3. Changing Rooms 更換房間
4. Asking about a Hotel Restaurant 詢問飯店餐廳
4. Riding in a Taxi 搭乘計程車
1. Calling for a Taxi 打電話叫計程車
2. Some Problems on the Highway 快速道路上出狀況
3. Hailing a Taxi 招計程車
4. A Lost Item in the Taxi 物品留在車上
5. Buying a Train Ticket 購買火車票
1. Getting a Package Deal 購買套票
2. Asking for a Ticket Refund 詢問退票事宜
3. Choosing a Train 選擇班車
4. A Missed Train 錯過火車
6. Getting around the City 遊覽城市
1. Changing Lines 捷運轉乘
2. Wrong Part of Town 走錯地方
3. The Quickest Route 最快的路線
4. Waiting for the Bus 等公車
7. Traveling Solo 一個人的旅行
1. Renting a Bike 租腳踏車
2. Asking for Directions 問路
3. Chatting about Common Interests 討論共同興趣
4. Getting Recommendations from a Local 在地人的建議
Section 2. 吃喝玩樂
1. Food Delivery 訂餐外送
1. Ordering Food on the Phone 電話訂餐
2. Lost Driver 駕駛迷路了
3. Seasonal Fruit 季節性水果
4. Wrong Berry 弄錯莓果
2. Ordering Food 點餐英語
1. Recommending a New Menu Item 推薦新品
2. Finding Out about a Deal 得知優惠活動
3. Customizing Your Deal 客製餐點
4. Sending Food Back 反映餐點問題
3. Bargain Hunting 怎麼買最划算?
1. Coupon Collection 一堆折價券
2. Free Coffee 免費咖啡
3. Spending Money to Save Money 花錢來省錢
4. Becoming a Member 成為會員
4. Online Shopping 網路購物
1. Shopping Around 貨比三家
2. Qualifying for Free Shipping 符合免運資格
3. Returning a Product 產品退貨
4. Applying for a Refund 申請退款
5. Swinging by the Convenience Store 去趟便利商店
1. Printing a Document 列印文件
2. Preordering an Item 預購商品
3. Playing the Lucky Draw 玩抽抽樂
4. Using Membership Points 使用會員點數
6. Enjoying a Night at the Movies 來看電影吧
1. Choosing a Seat 選位子
2. Buying Tickets 購票
3. Getting Some Snacks at the Concession Stand 到販賣部取餐
4. Talking about the Movie 談論電影
Section 3. 生活大小事
1. Staying in Shape 健康動起來!
1. Making a Pact to Get Healthy 健康契約
2. Watching What You Eat 注意飲食
3. Seeing Results 看到成果
4. Keeping It Going 堅持下去
2. Seeing a Doctor 看醫生
1. Making an Appointment 預約掛號
2. Describing Symptoms 描述症狀
3. Describing a More Serious Medical Problem 描述更嚴重的病症
4. Picking Up Medicine 領藥
3. A Visit to the Dentist’s Office 看牙記
1. Tooth Pain 牙痛
2. X-Ray Results X光檢查結果
3. Proper Brushing Technique 正確的刷牙技巧
4. Next Appointment 預約下次看牙
4. Visiting an Eyeglass Store 到眼鏡行配眼鏡
1. Checking Your Eyesight 檢查視力
2. Buying Eyeglasses 選購眼鏡
3. Adjusting and Caring for Glasses 調整及保養眼鏡
4. Buying Contact Lenses 購買隱形眼鏡
5. Banking for International Students 銀行英語
1. Opening a Student Bank Account 開立學生銀行帳戶
2. Applying for a Student Credit Card 申請學生信用卡
3. Learning about Overdraft Protection 了解透支保護
4. Asking about a Wire Transfer 詢問電匯
6. Streaming Services 串流服務
1. Comparing Streaming Services 比較串流服務
2. Solving Video Problems 解決影音問題
3. Changing Your Plan 更換方案
4. Asking for Help from Customer Service 向客服尋求協助
7. At the Library 圖書館英語
1. Replacing a Lost Library Card 辦理補發借閱證
2. Searching for a Book 找一本書
3. Study Time 自習時間
4. New Release 新書發行
8. Dealing with Phone Problems 處理手機問題
1. Getting a New Phone Plan 辦理手機新方案
2. Phone Shuts Down Suddenly 手機突然關機
3. Battery Problems 電池問題
4. Water Damage 手機進水
9. Shopping for a Better Computer 選購更好的電腦
1. Desktop or Laptop? 桌機或筆電?
2. Which Model and Operating System? 哪種機型和作業系統?
3. Software Options 軟體選擇
4. Additional Hardware 加購硬體
10. Renting a House 租屋實用英語
1. Calling an Agency 打給房仲
2. Visiting Studio A 看A套房
3. Visiting Studio B 看B套房
4. Making a Decision 做決定
Section 4. 人際互動
1. Starting a Conversation 開始交談
1. Talking about the Weather 談論天氣
2. Have You Eaten? 你吃過了嗎?
3. How Was Your Weekend? 你週末過得如何?
4. Introducing Yourself 介紹自己
2. Starting University 開學:認識新同學
1. Introducing Yourself to a Classmate 向同學自我介紹
2. Asking Someone Where They’re From 詢問對方是哪裡人
3. Adding Someone on Line 加某人Line
4. Introducing Others 介紹他人
3. Making Invitations 邀約英語
1. Inviting a Teacher to Judge a Competition 邀請老師擔任評審
2. Inviting a Friend to Watch the Performance 邀請朋友來看表演
3. Inviting a Friend Over 邀請朋友到家裡
4. Inviting a Teacher to Dinner 邀請老師吃晚餐
4. Saying Thank You 道謝英語
1. A Friend in Need 真心的朋友
2. Service with a Smile 微笑服務
3. Cookie Surprise 餅乾驚喜
4. A Helpful Coworker 樂於助人的同事
5. Words of Praise 讚美英語
1. Not Exactly a Fashionista 不算是時尚達人
2. The Role of a Lifetime 畢生難得的角色
3. Customer Satisfaction 顧客滿意度
4. Due Respect 應給予的尊重
6. Showing That You Care 展現你的關心
1. Expressing Sympathy 表達同情
2. Lending a Sympathetic Ea 同情地傾聽
3. Responding with Empathy 以同理心回應
4. Putting Yourself in Another’s Shoes 設身處地
7. Expressing Emotions 表達情緒
1. Feeling Scared 感到害怕
2. Seeing Red 勃然大怒
3. Falling to Pieces 情緒崩潰
4. Walking on Sunshine 興高采烈